I am officially done with my first semester of college, and I am finally home for longer than only four days. Praise God.

I was up VERY late last night since I slept so much yesterday; I originally wasn’t gonna say, but here it is: 5:30. I just wasn’t tired, and, when I DID lay down to sleep, it still didn’t happen immediately. I woke up first at 9:30 and saw Andrew out the door for his chemistry final, then proceeded to sleep another hour and a half before waking up (fully awake and refreshed, I might add; not tired at all). At that point, I finished packing up all of my stuff for the trip home, since I had already packed my band stuff and all of my video game stuff last night before I went to bed. I used my big suitcases this time instead of my duffel bag since I’m staying for much longer this time. After packing, Andrew showed up and started working on a couple of papers he had due today and I continued with making sure my side of the room was clean and that the dishes were done.

Then, at 1:20, I left for Holden Hall where my history final exam was being given at 1:30 and beasted that. It wasn’t too difficult at all; just a LOT of writing. All of our assignments in that class this semester were writing assignments, whether they were book analyses or essay exams. Today’s exam ended up taking four pages (front only) of handwriting. FOUR PAGES IN AN HOUR. But, other than that, it wasn’t bad at all.

After history, I went back up to the room and then left to go get my car at the parking garage, stopping by the music building first to get my concert horn so I can practice audition music for next semester just a bit over the break. Then I stopped by our residence hall and started carrying our stuff down and loading it up. Once we had all of our stuff loaded, we first went to Varsity bookstore nearby so that Andrew could return a textbook he had rented this semester and so that I could take care of some other business. Afterward, we made our way out, stopping only for gas and snacks/drinks (I’ve had sour gummy worms, a Vanilla Starbucks Doubleshot, and a bottle of green tea every trip so far; gotta keep it a tradition!). We finally hit the road at around 5:30.

The ride went very smoothly. The highway was a lot less crowded than I initially expected it to be, probably because people left yesterday or earlier today than we had. Who knows? We made good time to Abilene, where we always stop for dinner, and we got Subway for dinner…again. Ha, I LOVE Subway. Got the usual, of course. It didn’t take us too long to finish eating, so we got back on the road pretty soon (I don’t remember what time specifically). On the ride home, Andrew slept during most of the first stretch to Abilene, with me chilling to my Christmas music, but after we ate we listened to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows audiobook by Jim Dale (I highly recommend it), since Andrew hasn’t read the whole thing before. We listened to four chapters.

We didn’t stop anymore until we got to Andrew’s house back home, and, after unloading his stuff, I headed to my house. My mom was already in bed, but she woke up long enough for me to talk to her a bit and hug/kiss her goodnight. I brought all my stuff inside, put the Tech ornament I had bought on the tree, and we all got ready for bed…of course, I had to type my daily blog first! May I mention that our house looks great? I love our Christmas lights every year, and just WAIT until you see our living room…here’s a couple of outside pictures, but I’ll wait until tomorrow’s post to show you the living room:

I started typing this post whilst watching some Family Guy (typical), but I turned the channel to Phineas and Ferb once that ended; have you ever watched Phineas and Ferb?! If you haven’t, you are most definitely missing out. I’m not even kidding. Turn to Disney Channel whenever it’s on and check it out. It’s SO creative and super funny. I don’t wanna give too much away for those who haven’t seen it, but trust me, please…watch it, for your own good.

Tomorrow, I plan on going to visit my old high school; well, at least the choir class since the head band director isn’t there this week. I also may go to see the play that the theatre department is doing, A Christmas Story. I didn’t get to see Arsenic and Old Lace when they put it on, so I really want to go tomorrow. There’s some friends who I haven’t seen in a long while who I’m looking forward to seeing again.

Has anyone seen the Disney Christmas Carol movie with Jim Carrey? I haven’t seen it yet, but it was directed by my favorite movie director, Robert Zemeckis, who also directed Back to the Future (my favorite movie), Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Cast Away, Polar Express, etc. He’s also remaking the old Beatles movie Yellow Submarine in CGI: I hope that turns out well.

Going back to Back to the Future, Telltale Games announced the official launch date of the new Back to the Future video game today: December 22. I’m SO excited. It looks like they’ve done a really good job with it; at least, I HOPE it’s good, since previous attempts at Back to the Future games failed miserably…

I’m pretty much out of things to say. I tried to keep going, but I’m done. Ha, goodnight, everyone. Safe travels if you haven’t made it home yet, and everyone have a great Christmas!


P.S. – My cat is awesome and I missed him a lot.  I got him when I was only nine nears old and when he was nine weeks old: Now, he’s nine years old and I’m nearly nineteen. My, how time flies! I love this cat so much. Meet Noel (named in light of the holiday for which I received him: Christmas, of course!)! I first got him on December 26, 2001.


Sleeping. 🙂