Hello hello. Hope all of you had a great day today/yesterday (depending on when you read this) and that Sunday is a good day for you as well.

First bit of news: yesterday’s post was really popular for some reason. It got 38 views (which isn’t really a lot, but…), which is 14 views more than the previously most popular post. Maybe it’s because today was Saturday? Who knows?

Today was fairly uneventful for me. I slept until around 10:30 or so, I think, and I stayed in my bed on my phone for a while. Andrew had had an Animal Science exam, so, when he got back sometime after 11, I helped him to study a bit for the calculus exam we had together at 1:30. As for the exam itself, I didn’t think it was too difficult; I know for sure that I passed it, hopefully with at least an 80 (though I think I MIGHT have gotten an A, albeit a low one).  We’ll see; I’ll make sure to post it whenever I find out.

After calculus, Andrew and I were pretty hungry (all we had had to eat earlier was the rest of the pizza we had ordered the day before from Domino’s, which wasn’t much), so we walked to the Subway on University (don’t judge; Subway is good food and we have gift cards). I got my usual (of course) with some pink lemonade, and, after eating, Andrew got a call from someone in his fraternity asking if he wanted to come over and watch Disney’s Hercules with them, and I was invited. We went ahead and decided to go over (they picked us up). We sat and watched the movie, with Andrew and I singing along the whole time and me answering everyone’s questions about who played who, mostly off the top of my head. Yay for useless movie trivia (I ❤ trivia in general). I enjoyed the movie, but I’ll admit it was a bit awkward because I didn’t know these girls at all. Oh well.

When the movie ended, we sat around and watched a few YouTube videos, then, around 7:30, I was dropped back off at the dorm and they all departed for a dinner they were having for another member’s birthday. I went back up to the room and sat around for a few minutes. I had originally planned on doing my laundry tonight (since I have been putting it off since last Sunday), but, since things didn’t go according to schedule and because I didn’t want to start it so late, I decided to run to Wal-Mart instead. I bought a gallon of milk and another box of Lofthouse cookies, justifying the purchase by saying that they were for Santa…that works, doesn’t it? I left Wal-Mart and ran by Starbucks on my way back to the room, using my gift card (I’ve got lots of gift cards!) to buy myself a Vanilla Latte. It was alright, but, frankly, I think that McDonald’s Caramel Mocha with whole milk is a LOT better. Oh well; I need to experiment my way around the Starbucks menu and find something I really like besides the Vanilla Frappuccino (the one without the coffee in it; I WANT something with coffee in it). Something that IS  really good at Starbucks: the salted caramel hot chocolate. I’ve never been much a fan of their normal hot chocolate because it almost tastes like it has coffee in it, but the salted caramel version is REALLY good. Definitely worth trying out if you want something good.

So I got back to the room, turned on my computer for the first time all day, and that’s pretty much all I’ve been doing since. Andrew got back just after midnight. He came up to the room, finished eating leftovers from the dinner he had been at, and we watched Family Guy until he started snoring. I then started typing up this blog. Fun stuff.

I got a bit distracted while typing this up because I suddenly remembered something I had thought up a while back: how cool would it be to have a video projector? We could put it on the floor, point it at the ceiling, and watch a movie while lying on our beds on our backs. The only problem is to buy a brand new, decent projector you have to spend hundreds/thousands of dollars, which I’m not willing to shell out when I’ve got a TV that works perfectly fine. It’s just a fun idea to entertain. So, that being said, if any of you have a decent projector, or know someone who is giving one away at a decent price, let me know and I’ll see if it’s something I’d be interested in taking off of your hands.

It’s getting closer and closer to break, and I’m so ready for it. I’m ready to go home and spend the small amount of time I’ll be home with friends and family I haven’t seen in a while. Three more days and I’ll be there. Just THREE MORE DAYS. I can’t wait to go give my parents hugs, to see my cat, to listen to records on my record player, to see my grandparents, to visit my church, to visit Poteet, to spend time with friends not at Tech, etc. etc. etc. I can’t wait for CHRISTMAS! It shall be a grand ol’ time, despite the fact that my break essentially ends on December 29th. Eh. I’ll make the most of the time I will have at home.

Speaking of Poteet, I’d just like to offer my congratulations to the football team this season. To go from nearly bottom of our division last season to state semi-finals this season is an incredible feat, and your hard work is incredibly evident. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t make it all the way to state this season – you showed everyone that Poteet can be better at something besides fine arts. I wish you the best of luck next season. Keep working hard.

I’ve discovered that I dislike typing numbers instead of spelling out the actual words (e.g. “two” instead of “2”, “ten” instead of “10”). Weird habit, but one I’ve always been fairly consistent with.

I’m supposed to be getting an email from Karl Dent (one of the vocal professors at Tech) any time now, at least, according to my voice teacher. You see, since there’s no marching band in the spring, I figured I could use that extra time to be in a choir, ANY choir, so I asked my voice teacher about it and he talked to Prof. Dent. He said all I might have to do is sing a song I already have prepared and maybe test my sight singing skills because he supposedly gave Prof. Dent his “highest recommendation” for me. Rockin. It looks like I’m going to be in a choir next semester, provided he remembers to contact me…I miss choir so much. I had a blast in choir in both middle school with Mrs. Flores and in high school with ADub, and it’s something I’ve really missed this first semester; until now, I had been in a choir nearly nonstop for 12 years. It’s only natural I’d miss it.

I was first to answer a few more Harry Potter trivia questions today on Twitter. Yay! In case you’ve forgotten, here’s the link to my Twitter account:

Anyway, that’s just about it for tonight. Church in the morning; other than that, the only thing I have to do is laundry (FOR SURE THIS TIME; NO EXCUSES), a little playing on my horn, and maybe a little studying for my last two final exams. Goodnight/good day, everyone.


P.S. – Here are two YouTube videos to brighten your day a bit; enjoy: