Hahahahaha (title is an inside joke).

As I mentioned last night, I decided to sleep in this morning instead of going to church; I already explained my reasons, so I’m not going to waste your time here. I woke up at 11-something but didn’t get out of bed until 12-something, though I only half-slept between waking and getting up. When I got out of bed, I still remembered the dreams I had pretty vividly, so I decided that, instead of forgetting them like most other dreams I have, I would write them down, so I typed them out in a Word document on my computer. It’d be awesome if I could make a habit of this; they say that the real key to unlocking lucid dreaming is to be able to remember your dreams. If you don’t know what lucid dreaming is, it’s realizing that you’re dreaming and then having total control over what you dream and what you do IN that dream, i.e. the coolest thing ever! Imagine being able to live out impossible fantasies or playing out real-life situations while you sleep! I’ve never properly experienced it…there have been a few times in my life when I was conscious of myself dreaming but didn’t fully take hold of the possibilities.

Anyway, when I had finished typing out my dreams, I got dressed and took my dirty laundry (including my bedsheets and comforter) and put them all in the washer, returning to the room. When it came time to switch everything from washer to dryer, I did so and then drove to Cici’s to pick up a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner, and what a beautiful pizza it was! Beef, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, and black olives, all for less than $9! Though Cici’s may not be pizza of the highest quality, I like it a lot and that’s a heck of a deal for a large 4-topping pizza. I brought it back to the room and ate a little more than half of it (Andrew would eat the last few slices when he got back to the room) before heading up to the School of Music for the first Court Jesters meeting!

I’m really excited for CJs now that we’ve had our first meeting; no, we’re not getting paid, or, if we are, he didn’t mention it tonight, but it’s going to be a blast! The songs we play are a lot more standard than the typical marching band stand tunes, which will be a relief, and it’s cool that we will be doing this all the way up through February, maybe even some in March! That’s a long time for me to be playing on my marching horn, but I won’t mind a bit. I’m looking forward to it!

I returned to Sneed after the short meeting and took all of my clothes out of the dryers and back to my room, just hanging out. I eventually got started on my homework, which consisted of a lot of reading for online music history quizzes and music theory. I watched the season premiere of Family Guy on Fox at 8, but other than that the TV stayed off; yes, that means I didn’t watch any Star Trek today…maybe tomorrow?

Now, it’s time for a quick shower because it’s already late, and then I’ll be off to sleep under my freshly cleaned bedsheets! I’m looking forward to it quite a bit.

Ta-ta for now! Goodnight!


P.S. – I also ran across my old Xanga sites tonight…bleh. Be thankful that I type like an educated person now because I didn’t at that point in my life.